Dayanand Public School was established in the year 1989 and is managed by a unit of Jamshedpur Arya Samaj Trust. The school was set up with a vision to impart education to students irrespective of religion, caste, social status, creed or place of origin. It aims at giving to the world well balanced, healthy and strong citizens with a command.
Dayanand Public School utilizes technology to improve the Interaction and working between the entire community of Educational Institutions.
The school prepares students for secondary education under the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations. The curriculum stresses on skill formation in the primary classes, laying the foundation in the middle school and knowledge in the high school level. The curriculum includes English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Mathematics, History & Civics, Geography, Economics Applications, Commercial Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Applications.
Value education for the moral spiritual and social development is imparted in all classes. Physical education is imparted through drills, March Past, regular exercise and tournaments of various games. Sports like Basketball, Volleyball, Athletics etc are regularly practiced.
KG NITE 2024
Important Dates for Std XI (2024-25)
Important Dates for Nursery and LKG Admission 2025-26
Form Selling for Std XI (2025-2027)
Cyber Safety Workshop
Annual Sports Meet (2024) on 20th Dec’ 2024
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To prepare the students through academic excellence and leadership skills to create well informed productive and responsible citizens for future.
- To impart education to students belonging to different strata of society irrespective of caste, gender, colour or creed
- To build a strong and unflinching character and empowering them with knowledge.
- To build a strong and unflinching character and empowering them with knowledge.
- To develop social, moral, aesthetic and ethical values amongst our students.
- To equip and develop essential skills so that they sail confidently with greet, determination and resilience amidst the turbulent currents of change and stormy waves of life’s complexities and challenges.
Quality Policy
We are committed to provide quality teaching, learning and all round development opportunity to our students to realize their full potential and putting their best in every sphere of activities.
We shall also strive to maximize satisfaction of our students, parents and stakeholders through continual improvement in our processes, system and performance.
Dr. R. N. Sharma
ChairmanChairman's Message
We at Dayanand Public School have been progressively increasing adapting to E-information, for teaching and learning. Our website is another step to make access facile, information to parents of our students current and potential, and our students. Site will be dynamic, updated with fresh information of relevance of new facilities, key activities and communications.
We shall welcome suggestion for add-ons from our users. I may add my appreciation of improvements, the school has made i.e. ISO 9000 for quality, twinning with British Schools, child to child, E-learning classrooms, and making our students computer use savvy. The process with user cooperation will keep moving in E-direction.
More it is user, more enthused we will be, to share information.